Sunday 22 June 2014

DS - Ladies' Logic

Shortly - red, ginger, orange :)


AV and streps in June

More pictures of blooming plants:


Cartier - streptocarpus

Cartier (Kabanova/Trofimenko) is coming from St.Petersburg:


Ruffled Sky and Ruffled Sky 2 - african violets

Amazing green ruffles! I love original and "2" variety. Among 7 plantlets I've got when propagating Ruffled Skies 2 plantlets had very curly leaves:

Ruffled Skies (7717) 06/15/1992 (Stork/Boone) Double medium blue star/white ruffled edge. Dark green, quilted. Standard.

Ruffled Skies 2

Ruffled Skies 2


Lituanika, Lituanica, Lituanique, Литуаника - african violet

Some varieties are unique. It's worth to show them separately.
Lituanika (F. Butene) - semi mini trailing variety:



This England, Claudia, Swingtime, Winston Churchill - fuchsias

I grow fuchsias as well:


This England

Who has eaten leaves in a so "decorative" way?



     Honestly, I read much about the difficulties to make them to bloom and I didn't even expect them to do it. But what a luck I've got the full pot of flower stems. I love this perfume!


     My freesias are coming from Poundland, the package with double-flowering plants on it (and they really are). I bought them early in January and kept bulbs high above the gas cooker as it was the warmiest place at home. Planted at the end of February at home, in a couple of weeks moved sprouts out. The most are yellow, maybe 1 or 2 are going to be the other colour.

News from my loggia - June

     Some achievements and joy ... and a bit of frustration... My loggia ir quite deep, so despite south direction location, the sun can't get everywhere.
     I've got some leggy plants, like antirrhinum, however it smells very well:

     Balsams were decribed as low 10-15 cm tall variety. This ir the actual leggy result, looking like wild plants:


     Begonias are real bargain - 19 (1 missing) plants costing 1 pound only. Could you stand up and pass by? :) 

     Sweet peas - I admire this fling - the start:

     Pelargonium - lovely variety - I don't know it's name, but it smells good, when touched or moved by the wind - something bitterish, and even blooming: